Happy New Year | Mark Goodger Antiques
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Happy New Year

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January 7th 2020
A warm welcome to our lovely readers and thank you for joining us in 2021!

We hope you had an enjoyable Christmas break and managed to find a good way to ring in the new year in.

2020 has been a tough year for us all, who’d of thought we’d all be wearing masks, social distancing and slathering on anti-bac everywhere we go! We’ve all had to adapt and conform to stop the spread but thankfully our clever scientists across the world have given us hope for a brighter future and some normality again in 2021.
Thank you to all our lovely customers who have helped us maintain our business in these surreal times. With all fairs cancelled for the best part of the year; we were unable to show our goods off at their very best, or even meet clients new and old -which is so important to us. Who knows when we can exhibit again in 2021… We have our fingers crossed for Olympia in June – we are hoping things should be much better by then so we can welcome our customers, old and new, back to the stand. 
         We are lucky that we have such great support and a huge following across the globe. We worked harder behind scenes and increased our newsletters from once a month to every other week. We have lots of exciting plans for this year and we are going to continue the trend of a fortnightly newsletter to keep you all up to date!

We are geared up for Brexit and everything should be ready to keep our delivery times as speedy and efficient as they always have been. If you have any concerns or questions, please get in touch.

Exciting News!
We are pleased to announce the arrival of a new restorer to join our team in February. Elyse comes with a wealth of experience and she has worked on many pieces with much historical importance for the likes of the National Trust, English Heritage and important country houses such as Waddesdon Manor and the Fitzwilliam Museum. We are looking forward to welcoming her to the team.

Purchasing online
With no exhibitions and unable to see, inspect or handle our pieces, we understand this can be frustrating. More and more of us having to come to terms with purchasing goods online, which is not what we’re used to – but please feel free to call or email any further questions you may have regarding any of our items, we are only too happy to hear from you and always here to answer any of your questions.

If you happen to see an item on our website click the ADD TO CART blue button and proceed to purchase or contact us by the ENQUIRE blue-button.

For your peace of mind! All our items come with authentication certificate with image, as well as our latest catalogue, care instructions and separate invoice for insurance purposes. On top of this, our items come with a 14-day no-quibble money-back guarantee and are all fully insured for when shipping.

Many have now taken advantage of our LAYAWAY payment process; making what would normally be outreach purchases more affordable. For more details, please contact us here sales@markgoodger.co.uk

For the discount code to work:
1) Click on the shopping trolley top right of the grey banner.
3) At the bottom of the page above PROCEED TO PURCHASE you will see APPLY CODE, click this.
4) Add your discount code JAN15 and click APPLY CODE
5) Continue to fill out all your details for us to ship. 
If you ever miss a newsletter or are a new subscriber – our previous newsletters can be found in the “catalogue” section or our website; they are added a few days after the initial email as we like to give you, our subscribers, the first look.
Click on the grey banner to view now. 
Back to our roots
As its a new year and a fresh start we are going back to our origins with a focus on Mark’s original speciality of tea caddies!

With the UK going into full lockdown, we thought we would show you an insight into Tea in the 17th century, including its health benefits and the utter importance of making the time, to “have a brew”.

In the year 1665, Thomas Garway, a Coffee house owner produced a pamphlet, titled “An Exact Description of the Growth, Quality and Virtues of the Leaf Tea.”

In the pamphlet, Thomas Garway included a section about the health benefits of tea:

  • It is proper both for winter and summer, preserving the perfect health until extreme old age.
  • It maketh the body active and lusty.
  • It helpeth the headache, giddiness, and heaviness therof.
  • It removeth the obstructions of the spleen.
  • It taketh away the difficulty of breathing: Opening obstructions.
  • It is good against Tipitude, Distillations, and cleareth the sight.
  • It removeth lassitude, and cleanseth and purifiet acrid humours, and a hot liver.
  • It is good against crudities, strengthening the weakness of the ventricle or stomach, causing good appetite and digestion, especially for persons of corpulent body, and as such are great eaters of flesh.
  • It vanquisheth heavy dreams, easeth the frame, and strengtheneth memory.
  • It prevents and curea agues, surfits and fevers.
  • It Strengtheneth the inward parts, and prevents consumption
  • It is good for colds, dropsys, and scurvys; purging the body by sweat, and expelleth infection.
  • It has been sold in England for as high as Ten pounds for one pound of weight

Please note this was at the time of poor sanitation, hygiene and The Great Plague!

According to World Tea News: Worldwide there are 25,000 cups of tea consumed every second… That’s about 2.16 billion cups per day!

Tea and Health today 2021

Numerous medical studies have shown a certain variety of teas can help with inflammation, boosting your immune system and can even prevent cancer & heart diseases. Some herbal teas are proven that regular drinking is good for wellness.

Mark’s Tea Journey!

Tea plant “Camellia sinensis”  has been cultivated for thousands of years and so brought me on to discover the most beautiful, incredible items made to hold and keep this prized leaf fresh for our consumption.
These items are known as tea caddies or tea chests, and they have been one of our specialities from the beginning, since the day Mark caught the bug of tea caddy collecting.
During his apprenticeship, a college lecturer brought a regency rosewood twin tea caddy out to demonstrate the french polishing technique on small items. After the demonstration, Mark asked the lecturer if he could purchase it, and as some of you reading this will know, it was purchased for the grand sum of £5.
Fast forward 10 years, it was restored and then loved for a while, and then finally sold on to an American trade client on the famous “Portobello Road” for £95. Mark & his team have a small part to play in the history of tea by restoring these for others to cherish for years to come. After all, we are just their custodians for a short time (except for the odd one that Mark really takes a shine to and ends up in his own collection for safekeeping)!
Mark has been in the trade for 33 years and this year, celebrates his 23rd year of business – and keeps evolving. He’s helped build many super collections, from tea caddies, sewing boxes, to rare luxury accessories such as Rene Lalique Car Mascots. And he loves nothing more than to share his passion and expert advice with fellow collectors and antique-lovers. If you would like professional expert advice to help build your collection, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.  

Tea Caddy Stock
We are listening to your feedback and appreciate some items are a little out of reach, so we are now accepting layaway payment methods.
Contact us for more details about the item you’d like to purchase.

+44 (0) 1604 863979     
Apple Tea Caddy
Victorian Silver Tea Caddy
Henry Clay tea Caddy
Antique Squash Tea Caddy
Tortoiseshell Tea Caddy
Satinwood Sarcophagus Tea Caddy
Sterling Silver Tea Caddy
Chinese Melon Tea Caddy
Tortoiseshell Tea Caddy
Rare Ivory Cut Steel Caddy
Antique Pear Tea Caddy
Engraved Silver Tea Caddy
Burr Yew Tea Caddy
Pressed Tortoiseshell Tea Caddy
English Rose Silver Caddy
Penwork Tea Chest
Paper Scroll Tea Caddy
Green Tortoiseshell Tea Caddy
Antique Chinoiserie Tea Caddy
Edwardian Silver Tea Caddy
Georgian Melon Tea Caddy
Antique Doric Column Caddy
Looking for something specific? Don’t forget to use the search bar on our homepage!
A warning about fakes!

More and more of us are shopping online during these times, which has unfortunately seen a surge in rogues out there keen to prise you of your hard-earned money. Please be careful when buying antiques online, fakers have been extremely busy and making lots of money!

So many flaws hidden by clever photography, added inlays, period caddies re-veneered and turned into what appear to be rare unusual designs – these unscrupulous fraudsters giving us dealers a bad name! 
So please, do your homework thoroughly on the person/dealer and the item you are looking to buy.

I am happy to give my opinion and will not charge you for my time especially if you’re a customer of ours. I do this for many of my collectors, after all, I am as keen as you to help build the best collection money can buy. 


Following government guidelines, our showroom is still open for click & collect by appointment only. All government guidelines have been taken to make sure your visit is safe. However, our online services are still the best way of purchasing.

Certain postal restrictions are in place due to the coronavirus. Prior to purchasing, if you are uncertain of any postal restrictions where you live, please get in contact and we will look into it for you and be happy to assist.        

Tel +44 (0) 1604 863 979
Mob. +44 (0) 7779 654 879

Mark Goodger Antiques
Don’t forget to check in to the website regularly so you don’t miss out on our new stock!
We can reached by phone:
01604 863979 (Monday – Friday: 9am – 4:30pm) 
or by email: sales@markgoodger.co.uk.
To view our privacy policy please click HERE

Want to keep up with our latest news and gossip?  We feature on all the platforms listed below, so connect with us!  

Mark Goodger Antiques

Please don’t hesitate to let us know of any glitches on our website, or how we can help improve your online experience.   

Visits are by appointment only. If you have any questions relating to future appointments or an item you are considering purchasing please get in touch.

Email Address: sales@markgoodger.co.uk

Telephone:         +44 (0) 1604 863 979
Mobile:               +44 (0) 7779 654 879

Our 2019 brochure can be viewed by clicking on the image below. A complimentary copy will be sent with all purchases. Please contact us if anything is of interest.
Website & Online Payments

We now only accept payments for items online! So if you see something you like please go ahead and purchase the item before it gets snapped up!!  
This can be done by clicking on the “Add to Cart” button on the item you would like to purchase.

Then click on the shopping cart icon at the top of the page and click on “proceed to checkout” button on the dropdown menu.
Payments can also be made by bank transfer, paypal, or we can invoice you through our website give us a call on +44 (0) 1604 863979 if you have any other questions relating to payment. Please bear in mind that the facility to deliver an item to an address other than that of the registered card-holder is only available for existing customers.

Send us an email with as much information as possible and we’ll get straight on the case for you. We may even have that coveted piece in our ‘special reserve’! Click the link to get in touch: sales@markgoodger.co.uk

And finally…. thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter. Please forward it on to friends & colleagues who may be interested.

Mark Goodger
& all the team.

Email Address: sales@markgoodger.co.uk

Telephone: +44 (0) 1604 863 979
Mobile:       +44 (0) 7779 654 879