Showing 1–18 of 45 results
Rosewood Inlaid Jewellery Box
Coromandel Tiered Jewellery Box George Betjemann
Amboyna Tiered Jewellery Box
French Champleve and Onyx Jewellery Box
Tortoiseshell and Silver Jewellery Box William Comyns
Coromandel Antique Jewellery Box
Antique Coromandel Jewellery Box Austin Dublin
Victorian Glazed Mahogany Jewellery Box
Victorian Brass Bound Mahogany Jewellery Box
Antique Mahogany Watch Box
Anglo-Indian Campaign Amboyna Box
Coromandel and Mother of Pearl Jewellery Box
Antique Mahogany Jewellery Watch Box
Antique Rosewood Jewellery Box
Unusual Antique Calamander Jewellery Box
Continental Palm Coconut Wood Box
Antique Mahogany Accessories Box
Victorian Anglo-Indian Amboyna Jewellery Box